Download powerful uninstaller
Download powerful uninstaller

New! Added Windows app rating helps users learn more about unwanted Windows apps.

download powerful uninstaller

Enhanced uninstallation module can easily and quickly remove programs when uninstalling, including from the registry.Unique database for removing "stubborn" software - contains over 1000 "stubborn" programs.50% expanded software database - Supports popular software updates including Anydesk, Caliber, Discord, LibreOffice and Qbittorrent.Improved Installation Monitor - Logs more items (including launch items) generated during the software installation process for future granular uninstallation.More powerful deletion functionality - Eliminates residual files as much as possible with advanced scanning and cleaning algorithms.

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  • The all-new Software Status Module helps you manage software permissions, block pop-up notifications, clean up unnecessary preference files, remove malware and browser extensions.

  • Download powerful uninstaller